*PREMIUL ANUALEI DE ARHITECTURA 2023 / Sectiunea Amenajari Corporate & Retail
Sustainable apparel shop in Bucharest
Location: Bucuresti, Romania
Gross area: 100 sqm
Project Team :
Stefan Prigoreanu
Bianca Beis
Photo Credits: Raluca Bobaru, Stefan Prigoreanu
ALTRNTV este un concept de magazin sustenabil, unde accentul se pune foarte mult pe impactul produselor asuprea mediului inconjurator, de la cantitatatea de apa folosita in producerea unui tricou pana la amprenta de carbon a fiecarui produs de pe raftul locatiei din Blv. Regina Elisabeta, in fostul lobby al cinematografului Cinema Bucuresti.
Brieful clientului a venit in concordanta cu tipul de produse pe care si le doreau sa le comercializeze. Un spatiu sustenabil cu materiale reutilizate, reciclate, cu amprenta mica de carbon, si actiuni reduse in impactul mediului. Ne-am bucurat de brief, cererile pentru astfel de spatii fiind aproape inexistente. Abordarea noastra a plecat in primul rand de la alegerea materialelor si a actiunilor de constructie in spatiu. Reutilizarea existentului a fost obtinuta in cea mai mare masura prin curatarea travertinului si utilizarea lui in concept, si pastrarea luminatorului din camera principala. Cele doua elemente prezente au conditionat alegerea celorlalte materiale. Suprafata de travertin a fost destul de mare, o parte din ea fiind destul de avariata. A fost nevoie de propunerea unor sisteme de prezentare care sa ascunda parte din zonele deteriorate de timp si exploatare si sa comunice prin materialelitate, culoare si forma cu travertinul. Sistemele de prezentare, ansamblul montat pe pereti a avut dublu rol, cel de a ascunde si relationa cu existentul si rolul de sustinere si punere in evidenta a ce urma sa fie organizat si prezentat spre vanzare. Pardoseala aleasa a fost o solutie ce a raspuns briefului, fiind un material reutilizat in proportie de 90%, usor de implementat si maleabil.
Practica studioului nostru tine si de exploatarea cat mai diversa a materialelor si intelegerea lor cat mai profund. Am reusit impreuna cu sponsorul materialului, Tarkett Romania si a montatorilor sa creem un concept de pardoseala care sa serveasca foarte bine zonificiarilor si ideii de tipar de moda, clientul avand in spatiu si un atelier de productie haine cu materiale reutilizate. Am vrut sa integram ideea unui shop sustenabil cu cea de atelier de moda sustenabil prin utilizarea discreta a elementelor de imbinare a pardoselii, a unui tipar folosit in moda. Celelalte materiale folosite au fost pal reutilizat din productia furnizorilor de mobilier custom ce a fost acoperit cu acelasi material Tarkett si placaj stratificat recuperat local. Aici i-am avut ca parteneri pe cei de la PabGroup care au fost foarte cooperativi in gasirea solutiilor. Alegerea iluminatului a fost si ea in concordandata cu brieful discutat, cei de la Signify avand in portofoliu proiectoare produse din plastic reciclat. Iluminatul intr-un spatiu comercial este foarte important.
Ne-am bucurat sa gasim in piata produse cu specific de iluminat arhitectural, tehnic ce pot raspunde temei noastre de sustenabilitate si impact scazut al amprentei de carbon. Tot impreuna cu ei am integrat si un sistem de iluminat ce se poate adapta luminii naturale pentru un consum optim.
Credem ca toate aceste actiuni de la folosirea existentului si punerea in valoare a travertinului, elementelor decorative, la alegera materialelor sustenabile, a sistemelor ce pot avea un impact redus, al producatorilor locali au format unul din primele magazine de design sustenabil din Romania. Ne dorim sa putem concepe cat mai multe astfel de spatii constient sustenabile.
ALTRNTV is a sustainable concept store, where the focus is on the impact that products have on the environment, from the amount of water used in the production of a t-shirt to the carbon footprint of each product on the shelf. The location of the store is Blvd. Regina Elisabeta, in the former lobby of the Cinema Bucuresti.
The client's brief came in line with the type of products they wanted to sell. They wanted a sustainable space created with reused, recycled materials, with a small carbon footprint, and actions that reduce the environmental impact. We enjoyed the brief, the requests for such spaces being almost non-existent in Romania.
Our approach started primarily from choosing the materials and considering construction actions in the provided space. We have reused the existing to the greatest extent by cleaning the travertine and using it as a main feature of the concept, together with the ceiling and its light in the main room. The two present elements influenced the choice of the other materials.
The travertine surface was large, part of it being quite damaged. It was necessary to propose some showcase systems that would hide part of the areas damaged by time and exploitation and that connect through materiality, colour, and shape with the travertine. In regards with the showcase systems, the assembly mounted on the walls had a double role: that of hiding the damage and enhance the existing materials, and the role of highlighting the in-store experience and its products. Respecting our client brief, the floor chosen was a successful solution, being a 90% reused and malleable material, which was easy to implement.
The practice of our studio is to have a profound comprehension of the materials we use in all our projects, and the various ways in which we can exploit them.
Together with Tarkett Romania, the sponsor of the material, and the fitters, we managed to create a flooring concept that would serve the space very well, which also embodied the idea of fashion pattern as the client has a clothing production workshop with reused materials. We wanted to integrate the idea of a sustainable shop with that of a sustainable fashion workshop through the discreet use of floor joining elements, a pattern which is also used in fashion.
The other materials used were slightly reused from the production of custom furniture suppliers that were covered with the same Tarkett material and locally recovered laminated plywood. Here we had as partners PabGroup who were very cooperative in finding solutions. The choice of lighting was also in accordance with the brief discussed, our collaborators from Signify having in their portfolio projectors made of recycled plastic. Lighting in a commercial space is very important. We were happy to find in the market products with specific architectural and technical lighting, that responded to our theme of sustainability and low carbon footprint. Together with them, we also integrated a lighting system that can adapt to natural light for optimal consumption.
We believe that all these actions: using the existing travertine, the decorative elements, the choice of sustainable materials, the low impact systems and collaboration with local producers have conceptualize the first sustainable design stores in Romania. We wish to design as many such consciously sustainable spaces as possible.